NYARC has been awarded $340,000 from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to initiate a program of web archiving for specialist art historical resources. The two-year program will follow a 2012 pilot study, Reframing Collections for the Digital Age, also funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Over the past year, NYARC has surveyed the publishing and web archiving landscape to develop a program for collecting born-digital art research materials. An overview of this project called “Reframing Collection for a Digital Age: A Preparatory Study for Collecting and Preserving Web-Based Art Research Materials,” funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, can be found here.
Through conversations with many staff members, colleagues, publishers, and vendors we have learned a tremendous amount over the past year. We asked:
Pratt Institute’s School of Information and Library Science has received an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) grant through the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarians Program to train next generation art and museum librarians in the NYARC libraries. M-LEAD-TWO (Museum Library Education and Digitization Technology-Web-Online) is a three year grant that provides scholarship support for 15 diverse MSLIS students (five per year) and a two-semester paid internship program.
NYARC is pleased to announce that all of the Frick Art Reference Library Photoarchive’s research database records created since 1996 (and all future records created both for the existing collection and for new acquisitions) may now be accessed via NYARC’s online catalog Arcade.
The Archives Department of The Frick Collection and Frick Art Reference Library is pleased to announce the addition of six new online finding aids to our web site. These join the twenty-four finding aids already online, which made their debut in the spring of 2010. Encompassing institutional records, Frick family papers, and manuscript collections, highlights from these finding aids include records of Henry Clay Frick’s art collecting, Henry Clay Frick’s correspondence, early records of The Frick Collection, and art research files and gallery records.