
Arcade is the outcome of a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation that targeted the development of a powerful online catalog to provide a strong foundation for moving ahead on multiple initiatives. Arcade unites the collections of the Frick Art Reference Library and the libraries of the Brooklyn Museum and The Museum of Modern Art, three of the founding members of NYARC.

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Containing more than 900,000 records, Arcade provides access to research collections spanning the spectrum of art history, from ancient Egypt to contemporary art. These resources, many uniquely held, include exhibition and art collection catalogs, monographs and periodicals, rare books, photograph collections, artists' books, files on artists, auction catalogs, archives (textual and visual), digital resources and specialized databases. Arcade was launched in January 2009.

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In June 2009, Arcade was added to – Virtual Catalogue for Art History., formerly known as the Virtueller Katalog Kunstgeschichte (VKK), provides access to over 8 million bibliographic records for periodicals, conference papers, festschriften, auction catalogues, exhibition catalogues and much more. Along with the catalogues of The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Thomas J. Watson Library and the Getty Research Institute Research Library, Arcade is one of only three U.S. library catalogues included in this international search portal for the discovery of art resources. Arcade's participation in is made possible through the generous support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

In 2011, records documenting over 125,000 cataloged works of art from the Frick's Photoarchive were added to Arcade, creating the first publicly accessible interface for this valuable research collection. The Photoarchive contains an estimated 1.2 million images and cataloging of the collection is ongoing.

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Image (above): Insectes : vingt planches en phototypie coloriées au patron, donnant quatre-vingt insectes et seize compositions decorative by E. A. Seguy, E.A.,Plate 20
Submitted by Anonymous on February 9, 2012 - 5:49pm.

Thank you, nice catalog!

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