We are looking for interns to help us develop our Mellon-funded web archiving program. This paid internship is a great opportunity. Details follow....
Part-Time (10 hours/week during winter academic semester)
At completion of the semester-long internship, a stipend of $1,500 will be provided
The New York Art Resources Consortium (NYARC), consisting of the libraries of The Brooklyn Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, and The Frick Collection, seeks three students in graduate programs in information science, art history, or related disciplines to become interns in a grant-funded program that will collect, capture, describe, and archive web content of resources for the study of art. The program is funded with a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and will be administered by and based at The Frick Collection. Building on a previous study that examined the organizational, economic, and technological challenges posed by the rapidly increasing number of web-based or “born-digital” resources that document art history and the art market, the current program will implement the recommendations that emerged from the study to acquire, preserve, and provide unified access to these unique and often ephemeral materials.
Reporting to the Web Archiving Program Coordinator, each intern will be assigned to a NYARC library to work on relevant web-based collections in five areas of focus that correspond with analog collection strengths.
Using Archive-It and other tools, the interns will build and refine web-based collections, perform quality control, and create descriptive metadata for captured content.
Preferred Qualifications
Benefits as intern:
The opportunity to participate in a cutting-edge program of new technology in leading museum libraries; Free or discounted admission to most of New York’s finest museums; Discounts on Museum Shop purchases; A beautiful and pleasant work setting and an excellent opportunity to appreciate some of the world’s finest works of art.
Internship Timeline:
We would like applications to be submitted by December 2, 2013 and will make a selection by December 16, 2013. The internships will begin in January 2014, based on the semester start date.
The internship is for the winter semester, with a possibility of extension to additional paid internships for summer and fall semesters of 2014.
Application Instructions:
All internship applications must be submitted via e-mail.
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